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Evil Mage

Evil Mage
Names Ronlyn, Merkul, Zasfus, Zain, Doraghir, Danaghir, Staylin, Kraylin, Limnoch, Kranor, Kraenor, Kranostil, Kranostir, Lilithack, Terus, Thaelin, Thulack, Jiltharis, Garigor, Banothil, Bainothil, Quain, Ilzinias, Mardis the Avenger, Phalil the Unexpected, Lord Adnoc, Leje the Invincible, Master Akris, Sartan, Zejron the Wild, Pitt the Elder, Puzilan the Puzzler, Vantrom, Singhe-Dul, Tyrin Kuhl, Xarot the Black, Kwan Li, Lord of the Mists, Viktor Blackoak, Odilion, Raith, Lord of Rats, Bazerion, the Wizard-Lord, Tybevriat Varn, Keldor the Modoc, Magelord Varsan, Izlay the Ebonheart, Slirith Iceblood, Alcor, Vitar, Feenark, Sang Qui, Lyticant, Aegnor, Aelfric, Ainvar, Arazion, Ardarion, Arkanis, Athrax, Barghest, Baros, Begarin, Beynlore, Burat, Cairne, Carthon, Chamdar, Ciric, Cruzado, Cyphrak, D'Harun, Daelon, Daktar, Darvain, Dracus, Dradar, Draelin, Draenor, Durodund, Eklor, Elrak, Fangorn, Farynthane, Galtor, Gemma, Gragus, Irian, Israfel, Jaden, Jefahn, K'shar, Kalimus, Kallomane, Kanax, Kelnos, Kharn, Khir, Kragon, Kylnath, Larac, Lathis, Lenroc, Lonthorynthoryl, Lorreck, Mattrick, Mazrim, Mazrim, Modrei, Morturus, Muktar, Murdon, Murron, Myndon, Mythran, Mytor, Nabius, Nalynkal, Nazgul, Paorin, Quillan, Rendar, Scythyn, Shilor, Sobran, Soltak, Sorz, Taban, Telzar, Teron, Trethovian, Tyrnar, Ulath, Vandor, Vermithrax, Vlade, Volan, Wydstrin, X'calak, Xaelin, Xandor, Xarthos, Xaxtox, Xenix, Xiltanth, Xylor, Xystil, Yazad, Yllthane, Ylthallynon, Ythoryn, Zalifar, Zathrix, Zunrek
Alignment Evil
Fama 2500
Karma -2500
Strength 81 - 105
Intelligence 96 - 120
Dexterity 91 - 115
Hit Points 49 - 63
Mana INT
Stamina DEX
Base Damage 5 - 10
Physical 100%
Wrestling 20.2 - 60.0
Tactics 65.0 - 87.5
Resist Spells 75.0 - 97.5
Magery 75.1 - 100.0
Evaluate Intelligence 75.1 - 100.0
Physical 15% - 20%
Fire 5% - 10%
Cold 0%
Energy 5% - 10%
Poison 5% - 10%
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