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Allineamento Malvagio
Forza (STR) 556
Intelligenza (INT) 289
Destrezza (DEX) 300
Punti Vita (HP) 2092
Mana 289
Stamina 300
Animal Taming Non Tamabile
Barding Difficulty 160
Slayer Vulnerability Reptile, Dragon
Fisico (physical) 80%
Fire 20%
Base Damage unknown
Special Crushing Blow
Wrestling 114.5
Tactics 109.9
Anatomy 117.9
Resist Spells 112.2
Fisica (physical) 55-60%
Fuoco (fire) 62-68%
Cold (ghiaccio) 52-57%
Poison (veleno) 30-40%
Energia (energy) 40-44%
Caratteristiche particolari
Special attack Breath Attack
Loot Treasure Chest (Paragon)
User comments: Grim
cekka - 27/12/2008, 12:39
Lo faccio spesso, necrowar e lo fai tranquillo!Attenzione agli special (ho le ress 70 e cn lo special mi leva 60 + 20, xò resito) XD
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