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The Vice versus Virtue system was introduced on OSI to replace the old Factions system, it is a system based along the lines of Order versus Chaos but presents many differences compared to the two previous player versus player systems.

On UODreams the introduction of this system takes place to replace the Factions system but in addition it maintains them, allowing the Guild Masters of the guilds and the players who enter the VvV system to choose one of the four factions, namely Council Of Mages Faction, Minax Faction, Shadowlords Faction and True Britannians Faction.

With this system, many dynamics that required complexity and time in the Faction system have been optimized to simplify certain mechanics and automatic events (City Battle) have been introduced which will be activated automatically based on the user and connected VvV players.

The Factions

By maintaining the Factions within the VvV system, some radical changes will also take place within them, for example it will no longer be necessary to maintain control of the cities in order to take advantage of mechanics such as the purchase of artifacts or consumables which will be purchasable directly from the Silver Trader and it will not be necessary to entrust rules to faction members in order to purchase warhorse or utility "vendors".

The Factions will however remain subdivided into four main groups within the Vice versus Virtue system, in fact even if the usual rules that were in force in the Faction System will apply regarding alliances or wars between them in the "City Battle" if two guilds that belong the same Faction they clash will be flagged "enemy" with each other until the end of the event. The same thing goes for players outside the VvV system, even if they attack a player inside the City Battle they will be flagged as enemy temporarily by the other VvV guilds. Obviously if two guilds are allied this mechanic will not start.

With their maintenance, some dynamics have been reported, including:

Faction Monster

These, while remaining unchanged, will remain allies of the factions, so as usual they will be enemies of the other factions and will be distinguished by their status. When an enemy monster is killed, the usual "Silver Coins" will be dropped in the backpack with which you can purchase some items factioned by npcs in strongholds.

  • The Silver Serpents as allies of the True Britannians
  • Daemons as allies of the Shadowlords
  • The Wisps as allies of the Council of Mages
  • The Ogres as allies of the Minax

Faction Strongholds

The Faction Strongholds will remain a safe haven for the factions, in fact some special NPCs relating to them will be found, basically they will remain in the same locations except for the Council Of Mages stronghold which will be moved to the city of Moonglow. Inside them you will find:

  • Faction VvV JoinStone:

Through this stone you will be able to join the VvV system and the chosen Faction, alternatively if you are already a member of a guild that has decided to enter the VvV system it will be the Guild Master or that of the Alliance Leader Guild who joins in the VvV system and choose your faction. However, if you want to join a guild already in the VvV system you will have to use this stone before joining the guild.

  • Faction Warhorse Seller:

This npc will allow you to purchase the Faction Warhorses of the same faction you are part of, the cost for each Warhorse is 500 silver and they are delivered already Bonded and skilled.

  • Faction Contract Seller:

From this npc you can purchase the contracts to be able to place the "Faction Vendors", there are two types of contracts that will allow you to place "bottle seller" or "board seller" Vendors with the minimum purchase prices of the Faction System, if they can place 20 for each city of Felucca regardless of the type of vendors and they will last a total of 3 days, after which they will disappear. These Tickets will be purchasable with physical Silver Coins dropped by faction monster enemies.

Vice versus Virtue

Entering or Exiting VvV

You can join the Vice versus Virtue system in the following ways:
  • from Guild Master you can join using the appropriate button in the guild menu "Join Vice vs Virtue"
  • from Player if you are not part of a guild you will be able to use the Stone and placed in the Stronghold of the relevant faction to join.
  • the guild of a given faction will only be able to guild players who are part of the same faction.
  • guilds will only be able to send alliances to guilds of the same alignment, therefore a non-VvV guild only to non-VvV guilds etc..
  • when the Guild Master of a guild uses the "Join Vice vs Virtue" button he will faction all players within the guild.
  • when the Guild Master of a guild in ally and Alliance Leader uses the "Join Vice vs Virtue" button he will faction all the guilds that are part of the alliance and therefore all the players within them.
  • in the case of an alliance only the GM of the Ally Leader guild will be able to decide whether to enter the VvV or exit it using the appropriate button.
  • if the guild or alliance has players within it who already have one or more characters in disbandment or within another faction it will not be possible to enter VvV.
  • to exit the VvV via the guild gump the same rules apply as those used to enter it, i.e. only the GM of the Ally Leader guild can disband the guild, only the GM of a guild can disband the guild.
  • if a guild within an ally wants to enter or leave VvV it can only do so by leaving the alliance.
  • if a player within a VvV guild wants to leave VvV she can only do so by using the appropriate "Faction Stone" but must first leave the guild.
  • a player without a guild will only be able to defeat via the Stones placed in the Strongholds of the relevant faction.
  • as in the Faction system the fading period will last three days.

From the Guild menu, the "Join Vice vs Virtue" button will only be visible to Guild Masters or Guild Masters of the Ally Leader guild.

By clicking on it a gump will appear with the list of Factions:

By selecting the Faction you wish to be part of, the VvV confirmation gump will appear:

By accepting all players in the guild and possibly in the alliance they will be included in the VvV system and tagged in the faction you have chosen.

City Battle

The City Battles will be activated automatically based on the user and the VvV players connected in one of the cities of Felucca in a random way. When a battle is activated, in-game messages will appear indicating the city where the battle is activated and any updates.

To be able to participate in City Battles once active you must go to the selected city, upon entering the area of the designated city a gump will appear which will show the names of the guilds and the progress towards conquering the city

The duration of the battle is 30 minutes and in the first three bars of the VvV gump the guilds that have accumulated the most points during the battle will be shown with a bar indicating the amount of the score. The events of the battle will be shown in the center, i.e. Kills, Altars conquered and Seals delivered.
Non-VvV players who enter the area will receive a warning gump alerting them to the start of the battle:

In the city where the City Battle is activated, the guards are deactivated until the end of the battle, any non-VvV players present in the area may therefore be subject to attacks from other players, furthermore if a non-VvV player present in the area attacks a VvV player will be temporarily flagged as VvV and seen as enemy by VvV guild members.

The guilds present in the area will appear in the Vice versus Virtue gump. Once a single player from the guild shows up in the City Battle area, it will be possible to acquire points for oneself or for one's guild through the following dynamics:

  • Via Kills of player enemy
  • Via Assist on player enemy
  • By conquering the Altars
  • Stealing and Surrendering Seals
  • Disarming traps in the area

Kills & Assist

Unlike common Kills, VvV Kills are calculated only during City Battles, so it will be possible to acquire VvV Kills by killing players from opposing factions or enemy guilds. If you kill the same character more than once within 5 minutes, only one VvV Kills will be counted.

Assists are awarded to players who cause the most damage to a killed player during their "battle status".

It will be possible to see your VvV Kills and Assists via the p's gumpcharacter:

Both Kills and Assists will not be awarded instantly but only after the battle is over!


When a VvV Battle is activated in the city where it takes place there will be "Altars" to conquer, when one of these is activated an arrow will appear on the screen indicating the direction where the active Altar is located given that 3 appear in each city and are activated on a rotational basis.
By going to an altar and placing your character or your guild on it it will be possible to conquer it, you will need to occupy the Altar until the conquest process is completed (between 15 and 20 seconds). If a player from an opposing guild manages to position himself on the altar he will interrupt his conquest, in fact to conquer it he must remain on the Altar without allowing any enemies to occupy it.


When the central icon lights up in the VvV gump it will be possible to search for the Seal. The Seals are placed in different locations in the cities and will be invisible, only those with the Detect, Hidden and Stealing skills will be able to reveal and steal them:

Once the seal has been stolen, you will have to take it back to one of the two Priests within the same city and decide who to deliver it to!

End of the Battle

Once the battle is over, scores will be drawn up on the actions carried out within it, there will be bonuses in "Silver Point" and in "Score Point" when a guild clashes with several different guilds or finds itself in a numerical minority at the inside the battle area, furthermore the VvV Kills and Assists acquired during the battles will appear on the players' personal gumps.

By opening the "Guilds" menu from the Paperdoll you will also be able to have access to two rankings which will indicate the stats of the various players and guilds who participated in the City Battles, these rankings will always remain updated, even if a player leaves the VvV system his score will always remain within the rankings.

VvV Rewards

In every city of Felucca there is the NPC "Silver Trader" who allows you to spend silver to purchase artifacts or other objects useful for battles!

It will be possible to purchase the items on the list with the Silver Points acquired during the City Battles, furthermore only after entering VvV for the first time will you receive 2000 Silver Points which you can use on the VvV characters of your account. The accumulation of Silver is cumulative with the account, i.e. it will be possible to earn Silver Points with one character and spend them with another. If you exit VvV the Silvers will remain saved on the account and you will find the same amount of Silver once you return to VvV. VvV system. The total amount of Silver Points on the account is 100,000, beyond this amount they will no longer be accumulated!

Here are all the items that can be purchased from the Silver Trader by spending their Silver Points:

  • A Batch Of Greater Stamina Potion
  • Cost: 500 Silver

    10 Greater Stamina Potions that increase stamina by 100-125 points within 10 seconds.

  • A Batch Of Supernova Potion
  • Cost: 500 Silver

    10 Supernova Potions that you throw on an opponent or in an area create fire type area damage within 5 tiles of where they were thrown, they have a 2 minute cooldown for reuse.

  • A Batch Of Stat Loss Removal Potion
  • Cost: 500 Silver

    10 Stat Loss Removal Potion which removes the effects of loss on skills and stats, can be used every 20 minutes.

  • A Batch Of Potion Of Anti Paralysis
  • Cost: 500 Silver

    10 Potion Of Anti Paralysis which removes the effects of paralyze, has a 5 minute cooldown for reuse.

  • Exence Of Courage
  • Cost: 250 Silver

    This bottle used on VvV mounts allows you to recharge his life points.

  • VvV War Horse
  • Cost: 500 Silver

    War Horse in "Vice Red" or "Virtue Blue" color, is delivered in a statuette and when you double click the mount appears Bonded, it has 8 lives that decrease every day or every time they are killed, this mount has a maximum duration of 8 days totals but his life can be recharged with the Essence Of Courage.

  • VvV War Ostard
  • Cost: 500 Silver

    War Ostard in "Vice Red" or "Virtue Blue" color, is delivered in a statuette and when you double click the mount appears Bonded, it has 8 lives that decrease every day or every time they are killed, this mount has a maximum duration of 8 days totals but his life can be recharged with the Essence Of Courage.

  • Vice and Virtue Hair Dye
  • Cost: 2500 Silver

    Hair Dye in "Vice Red" or "Virtue Blue" color

  • Trap Kit
  • Cost: 250 Silver

    They can only be placed in a city with the Battle active and activated with two different methods "proximity" or "tripwire" using the menu by clicking on the trap. If set to "Proximity" the trap will explode when the target enters the trap's range of action and will cause moderate damage, if set to "Tripwire" the trap will explode if and when the target rises above the exact point where it was placed . There are various types of traps, including:

    • Explosion - cause 50% Fire Damage and 50% Physical Damage
    • Poison - cause Poison Damage and poison the target
    • Cold – causes Cold Damage and paralyzes the target
    • Energy – cause Energy Damage and do not allow healing for a limited period
    • Blades – cause Physical Damage and a bleed effect on the target

    A maximum of 20 traps can be placed within the entire Battle City area. To remove them you must first locate the trap with the "Detectiv Hidden" skill and then remove it using the "Remove Trap" skill.

  • Plans for a Cannon Turrets
  • Cost: 3000 Silver

    They can only be placed in a city with an active battle, a maximum of 20 can be placed and they cause physical damage when enemies pass by by shooting.

  • Mana Spike
  • Cost: 1000 Silver

    The Mana Spike requires 50 Mana to use and when used it wastes all the mana, it can be used once every 5 minutes, its effect dishidda and causes damage to all hidded players preventing them from hidding again while the Mana Spike is active. It can only be used within an active battle region.

  • Royal Forged Pardon
  • Cost: 10000 Silver

    When used, it removes all the user's Kills, bringing him back to 0 Kills.

  • Scroll Of Transcendence
  • Cost: 10000 Silver

    A 10 Point Scroll Of Transcendence from a random skill.

  • Hooded Robes
  • Cost: 5000 Silver

    Available in the "Vice Red" or "Virtue Blue" colors, these hoodies can only be worn by VvV players, they have the Antique property and are linked to the character who purchases them.

  • VvV Powder Of Perseverance
  • Cost: 200 Silver

    A single-use repair for VvV Artifacts, it can be used a maximum of three times on the same item: Max Durability from 255-251 to 250/250, from 250-201 to 200 and from 200-151 to 150, after which the artifact becomes unrepairable . If the expected Max Durability thresholds are exceeded, i.e. for example if you have an artifact at 0/250 and you try to repair it for the first time it will be brought to 200/200.

  • VvV Artifact

Unlike the Artifacts of the Faction System, those of the Vice versus Virtue do not have rank, in fact they can be worn by anyone within the VvV system and by changing faction it will not be necessary to change artifacts, they maintain the "Owned By" property and are therefore wearable only by those who purchase them, they have the Antique property which allows them to be repaired with "Powder Of Perseverance" up to a maximum of three times. Most are copies of the Faction Artifacts but there are some new ones.

Rune Beetle Carapace
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Mage Armor
Lower Requirement 100%
Lower Mana Cost 15%
Mana Increase 10
Mana Regeneration 3
Physical Resist 8%
Fire Resist 6%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 6%
Energy Resist 17%
Durability 255/255

Costo: 1000 Silver

Rune Beetle Carapace
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Gargoyles Only
Mage Armor
Lower Requirement 100%
Lower Mana Cost 15%
Mana Increase 10
Mana Regeneration 3
Physical Resist 8%
Fire Resist 6%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 6%
Energy Resist 17%
Durability 255/255

Costo: 1000 Silver

Fey Leggings
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Mage Armor
Defense Chance Increase 20%
Hit Point Increase 6
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 11%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 22%
Strength Requirement 60
Durability 255/255

Costo: 1000 Silver

Fey Leggings
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Gargoyles Only
Mage Armor
Defense Chance Increase 20%
Hit Point Increase 6
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 11%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 22%
Strength Requirement 60
Durability 255/255

Costo: 1000 Silver

VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Damage Increase 25%
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Intelligence Bonus 8
Luck 125
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255/255

Costo: 1000 Silver

Kasa Of The Raj-In
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Defense Chance Increase 10%
Spell Damage Increase 12%
Physical Resist 12%
Fire Resist 17%
Cold Resist 21%
Poison Resist 17%
Energy Resist 17%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255/255

Costo: 1000 Silver

VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Arcane Charges 50/50
Use Best Weapon Skill
Spell Channeling
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 11-15
Weapon Speed 2.75s
Strength Requirement 5
Weight 1 Stone
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required Mace Fighting
Durability 255/255

Costo: 1000 Silver

VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Arcane Charges 50/50
Mage Weapon -15 Skill
Spell Channeling
Physical Damage 100%
Weapon Damage 11-15
Weapon Speed 2.75s
Strength Requirement 5
Weight 1 Stone
One-Handed Weapon
Skill Required Mace Fighting
Durability 255/255

Costo: 1000 Silver

Heart Of The Lion
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Lower Requirement 100%
Luck 95
Mage Armor
Physical Resist 20%
Fire Resist 15%
Cold Resist 15%
Poison Resist 15%
Energy Resist 15%
Durability 255/255

Costo: 2000 Silver

Heart Of The Lion
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Gargoyles Only
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Lower Requirement 100%
Luck 95
Mage Armor
Physical Resist 20%
Fire Resist 15%
Cold Resist 15%
Poison Resist 15%
Energy Resist 15%
Durability 255/255

Costo: 2000 Silver

Crimson Cincture
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Dexterity Bonus 10
Hit Point Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255/255

Costo: 2000 Silver

Crimson Cincture
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Gargoyles Only
Dexterity Bonus 10
Hit Point Increase 10
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255/255

Costo: 2000 Silver

Hunter's Headdress
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Archery 20
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Night Sight
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 15%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255/255

Costo: 2000 Silver

Ring Of The Vile
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Dexterity Bonus 8
Hit Chance Increase 25%
Stamina Regeneration 6
Poison Resist 20%
Durability 255/255

Costo: 2000 Silver

Woodland Arms
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Elves Only
Dexterity Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Regeneration 3
Stamina Increase 10
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 6%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 80
Durability 255/255

Costo: 2000 Silver

Gargish Platemail Arms
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Gargoyles Only
Dexterity Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Regeneration 3
Stamina Increase 10
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 6%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 25
Durability 255/255

Costo: 2000 Silver

Dragon Sleeves
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Dexterity Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Regeneration 3
Stamina Increase 10
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 6%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 75
Durability 255/255

Costo: 2000 Silver

Platemail Arms
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Dexterity Bonus 4
Hit Point Increase 5
Stamina Regeneration 3
Stamina Increase 10
Physical Resist 15%
Fire Resist 6%
Cold Resist 17%
Poison Resist 18%
Energy Resist 18%
Strength Requirement 80
Durability 255/255

Costo: 2000 Silver

Studded Tunic
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Energy Eater 15%
Strength Bonus 3
Stamina Regeneration 3
Stamina Increase 10
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 6%
Strength Requirement 35
Durability 255/255

Costo: 2000 Silver

Gargish Stone Chest
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Gargoyles Only
Energy Eater 15%
Strength Bonus 3
Stamina Regeneration 3
Stamina Increase 10
Physical Resist 17%
Fire Resist 19%
Cold Resist 18%
Poison Resist 3%
Energy Resist 6%
Strength Requirement 95
Durability 255/255

Costo: 2000 Silver

Primer on Arms & Damage Removal
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Strength Bonus 1
Damage Increase 20%
Hit Chance Increase 10%
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Durability 255/255

Costo: 5000 Silver

Spirit Of The Totem
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Strength Bonus 20
Physical Resist 20%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255/255

Costo: 5000 Silver

Wizard's Crystal Reading Glasses
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Mana Increase 10
Mana Regeneration 3
Spell Damage 15%
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Strength Requirement 45
Durability 255/255

Costo: 5000 Silver

Wizard's Crystal Reading Glasses
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Gargoyles Only
Mana Increase 10
Mana Regeneration 3
Spell Damage 15%
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Strength Requirement 45
Durability 255/255

Costo: 5000 Silver

VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Hit Chance Increase 5%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255/255

Costo: 5000 Silver

Gargish Epaulette
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Gargoyles Only
Hit Chance Increase 5%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255/255

Costo: 5000 Silver

Tome Of Lost Knowledge
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Magery 15
Intelligence Bonus 20
Mana Regeneration 3
Spell Damage Increase 15%
Lower Mana Cost 15%
Durability 255/255

Costo: 5000 Silver

Clainin’s Spellbook
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Luck 80
Mana Regeneration 3
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Lower Reagent Cost 15%
Durability 255/255

Costo: 7000 Silver

Folded Steel Reading Glasses
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Strength Bonus 8
Night Sight
Defense Chance Increase 25%
Physical Resist 20%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Strength Requirement 45
Durability 255/255

Costo: 7000 Silver

Folded Steel Reading Glasses
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Gargoyles Only
Strength Bonus 8
Night Sight
Defense Chance Increase 25%
Physical Resist 20%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Strength Requirement 45
Durability 255/255

Costo: 7000 Silver

Order Shield
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Spell Channeling
Luck 80
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Physical Resist 1%
Strength Requirement 52
Durability 255/255

Costo: 7000 Silver

Order Shield
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Gargoyles Only
Spell Channeling
Luck 80
Hit Chance Increase 15%
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Physical Resist 1%
Strength Requirement 52
Durability 255/255

Costo: 7000 Silver

Crystalline Ring
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Magery 20
Focus 20
Faster Cast Recovery 3
Mana Regeneration 3
Hit Point Regeneration 5
Spell Damage Increase 20%
Durability 255/255

Costo: 7000 Silver

Ornament Of The Magician
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Mana Regeneration 3
Faster Cast Recovery 3
Faster Casting 2
Lower Mana Cost 10%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Energy Resist 15%
Durability 255/255

Costo: 10000 Silver

Mace & Shield Reading Glasses
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Weight 2
Hit Lower Defense 30%
Strength Bonus 10
Dexterity Bonus 5
Damage increase 10%
Physical Resist 25%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Strength Requirement 45
Durability 255/255

Costo: 10000 Silver

Mace & Shield Reading Glasses
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Gargoyles Only
Weight 2
Hit Lower Defense 30%
Strength Bonus 10
Dexterity Bonus 5
Damage increase 10%
Physical Resist 25%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Strength Requirement 45
Durability 255/255

Costo: 10000 Silver

Wizard Hat
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Regeneration 3
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Spell Damage Increase 10%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 6%
Fire Resist 6%
Cold Resist 6%
Poison Resist 6%
Energy Resist 25%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255/255

Costo: 10000 Silver

Gargish Earrings
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Gargoyles Only
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Regeneration 3
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Spell Damage Increase 10%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 6%
Fire Resist 6%
Cold Resist 6%
Poison Resist 6%
Energy Resist 25%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255/255

Costo: 10000 Silver

The Inquisitor’s Resolution
VvV Item
Owned By "charname"
Mage Armor
Faster Cast Recovery 3
Lower Mana Cost 8%
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 20%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Strength Requirement 70
Durability 255/255

Costo: 10000 Silver

  • VvV Tile
  • Cost: 10000 Silver

    8 Vice tiles positionable in two directions

  • VvV Banners
  • Cost: 10000 Silver

    8 Vice banners and 8 Virtue banners that can be positioned in two directions


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