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Regulation Private Message



(Valid from 14.05.2016 and not retroactively)

To report receipt of a Private Message (PM) containing insults, spam or inadequate content, the player must NOT remove this message and make a page on the UODreams site (not in game) indicating the title "PM Harassment", explain the problem, say the pg which received the offending message and its author.

As soon as possible a designated staff member will check the reported message, and possibly take the appropriate steps. If the message were removed, it's will not be possible for the UODreams Staff to intervene (at bottom of page you will find a simple example of page).

On the PM the UODreams Staff can view conversations that contain verbal abuse reported.

If the Staff estimate that in the received conversations are present Harassment bearing unnecessary and mild discomfort or aversion, it will mute the players responsible for violations until the next reboot of UODreams.

If the Staff estimate that in the received conversations are present Harassment that unilaterally violate other people's personal dignity, it will imprison the responsible players for violations for a minimum period of 2 days.

If the Staff estimate that in the received conversations are present Harassment aimed to create, praise or recall an unusual and severe intimidating, intolerant, degrading, humiliating, invasive of differences of race, language, sex, religion or any other public sensitivity topic, it will imprison the responsible players for violations for a minimum period of 5 days.

As with all other game sanctions Harsher punishment will be applied according to the recidivism explained in the general UODreams regulation.

Page Sample

Titolo: PM Harassment

Description: Hi, I wanted to point out that on pg Mr.X I received an offensive PM by Mr.Y. Can you check please? 

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