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UODreams Artifact

Gold Earrings
Random Item Property I Hit Points Increase (3), Stamina Increase (3), Mana Increase (3)
Random Item Property II Hit Points Regeneration (1), Stamina Regeneration (1), Mana Regeneration (1)
Luck 40
Owned By Player Name
Durability 255/255
Event: (Treasure of the Corsair's)

Agapite Earrings
Random Eater 5%
Random Stats 2
Hit Points Regeneration 3
Owned By Player Name
Durability 255/255
Event: (Rite of the Seas)

Verite Earrings
Hit Points Increase 5
Lower Mana Cost 5%
Stamina Regeneration 2
Durability 255/255
Owned By Nobody
Event: (Essence of the Devil One)

Valorite Earrings
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 2
Spell Damage Increase 10%
Durability 255/255
Owned By Nobody
Event: (Essence of the Devil One)

Verite Earrings [Replica]
Hit Points Increase 5
Lower Mana Cost 5%
Stamina Regeneration 2
Durability 150/150
Owned By Nobody
Event: (Insanity Champion Spawn)

Valorite Earrings [Replica]
Mana Increase 8
Mana Regeneration 2
Spell Damage Increase 10%
Durability 150/150
Owned By Nobody
Event: (Insanity Champion Spawn)

Fellowship Orb
Defendse Chance Increase 10% ~ 15%
Lower Mana Cost 5%
Spell Channeling
Faster Casting -1 ~ 0
Random Item Property I Hit Point Regeneration (1 ~ 3), Mana Regeneration (2 ~ 4)
Random Item Property II Intelligenge Bonus (5), Damage Eater (5% ~ 10%), Spell Damage Increase (3% ~ 5%)
Physical Resist 1%
Fire Resist 2%
Cold Resist 4%
Poison Resist 5%
Energy Resist 2%
Durability 255/255
(All Races Item)
Event: (The Fellowship)

Fellowship Wand
Defendse Chance Increase 10% ~ 15%
Lower Mana Cost 5%
Spell Channeling
Faster Casting -1 ~ 0
Random Item Property I Hit Point Regeneration (1 ~ 3), Mana Regeneration (2 ~ 4)
Random Item Property II Intelligenge Bonus (5), Damage Eater (5% ~ 10%), Spell Damage Increase (3% ~ 5%)
Physical Resist 1%
Fire Resist 2%
Cold Resist 4%
Poison Resist 5%
Energy Resist 2%
Durability 255/255
(All Races Item)
Event: (The Fellowship)

Pagan Shield
Defendse Chance Increase 10% ~ 15%
Lower Mana Cost 5%
Spell Channeling
Faster Casting -1 ~ 0
Random Item Property I Hit Point Regeneration (1 ~ 3), Mana Regeneration (2 ~ 4)
Random Item Property II Intelligenge Bonus (5), Damage Eater (5% ~ 10%), Spell Damage Increase (3% ~ 5%)
Physical Resist 1%
Fire Resist 2%
Cold Resist 4%
Poison Resist 5%
Energy Resist 2%
Durability 255/255
(All Races Item)
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Robe
Intelligence Bonus 5
Hit Point Increase 3
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Hat
Night Sight
Defense Chance Increase 10%
Faster Casting Recovery 3
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Hat
Intelligence Bonus 5
Strenght Bonus 5
Hit Point Increase 15
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 8%
Cold Resist 8%
Poison Resist 4%
Energy Resist 10%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Hat
Strenght Bonus 8
Night Sight
Defense Chance Increase 15%
Physical Resist 20%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Hat
Mana Regeneration 3
Hit Point Increase 5
Physical Resist 5%
Fire Resist 5%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 20%
Energy Resist 20%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Hat
Lower Mana Cost 15%
Lower Reagent Cost 30%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Hat
Mana Regeneration 3
Mana Increase 10
Spell Damage Increase 15%
Physical Resist 5%
Fire Resist 5%
Cold Resist 5%
Poison Resist 5%
Energy Resist 5%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Hat
Intelligence Bonus 10
Hit Point Increase 5
Spell Damage Increase 10%
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Belt
Mana Regeneration 2
Intelligence Bonus 10
Defense Chance Increase 5%
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Helm
Strenght Bonus 10
Dexterity Bonus 5
Hit Lower Defense 30%
Physical Resist 25%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Helm
Strenght Bonus 10
Intelligence Bonus 10
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Helm
Reflect Physical Damage 15%
Night Sight
Hit Lower Defense 20%
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Helm
Strenght Bonus 7
Intelligence Bonus 5
Damage Increase 30%
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Helm
Luck 150
Night Sight
Reflect Physical Damage 20%
Physical Resist 3%
Fire Resist 4%
Cold Resist 30%
Poison Resist 5%
Energy Resist 3%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Helm
Stamina Increase 3
Stamina Regeneration 4
Physical Resist 10%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Mask
Random Skill Combination
Anatomy & Healing • Animal Lore & Animal Taming • Archery & Tactics • Macing & Tactics • Sword & Tactics • Fencing & Tactics • Bushido & Parryng • Chivalry & Magic Resist • Music & Discordance • Music & Provocation • Music & Peacemaking • Ninjitsu & Stealth • Stealth & Stealing • Necromancy & Spirit Speak
Self Repair 3
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Mana Increase 8
Physical Resist 8%
Fire Resist 5%
Cold Resist 11%
Poison Resist 20%
Energy Resist 15%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Pagan Earrings
Gargoyles Only
Random Skill Combination
Anatomy & Healing • Animal Lore & Animal Taming • Archery & Tactics • Macing & Tactics • Sword & Tactics • Fencing & Tactics • Bushido & Parryng • Chivalry & Magic Resist • Music & Discordance • Music & Provocation • Music & Peacemaking • Ninjitsu & Stealth • Stealth & Stealing • Necromancy & Spirit Speak
Self Repair 3
Hit Point Regeneration 3
Mana Increase 8
Physical Resist 8%
Fire Resist 5%
Cold Resist 11%
Poison Resist 20%
Energy Resist 15%
Durability 255/255
[Pagan Artifact]
Event: (The Dark Path - Pagan Saga)

Raccoon Hat
Hit Point Increase 5
Mana Regeneration 3
Defense Chance Increase 4%
Spell Damage Increase 10%
Lower Reagent Cost 20%
Physical Resist 6%
Fire Resist 6%
Cold Resist 6%
Poison Resist 6%
Energy Resist 25%
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 255/255
Event: (Elemental Avalanche Champion Spawn)

Santa's Elf Boots
Dexterity Bonus 2
Night Sight
Strength Requirement 10
Arcane Charges 25 / 25
Event: (Find The Reindeers)


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