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General Regulations

Whoever joins the Ultima Online Dreams' community must abide by the following rules.

If the rules are broken then the UOD account and the right of using Ultima Online's Service will be suspended immediately.

  1. The conduct of members in forums and during game-play is governed by GamesNet's, Harassment and Quest regulations.

      In-game penalties will be given to whoever:

      • Offends staff members, whether directly or indirectly.

      • Criticises the work of staff members in an unconstructive way, whether directly or indirectly, with the sole intention of denigrating it.

      More serious penalties will be given, like the exclusion from forums, to whoever offends fellow players, with possible repercussions in-game.

  2. The advertising, selling or promotion of goods that is not connected with the game is forbidden. Every other form of hawking ( including the pyramidal system and chain letters) within Ultima Online's Service or UOD's website is strictly prohibited.

  3. It is prohibited to utilize Ultima Online Dreams' Service or the UOD website for any other activity other than that permitted within the game.

  4. It is prohibited to interfere, to hack, or to decipher any transmission from or to servers that provide the Ultima Online Dreams' Service.

  5. It is prohibited to exploit eventual bugs in Ultima Online Dreams' script. If a player notices a bug during game-play, he should notify staff immediately without divulging the information to anyother UOD user who is not a member of staff.

  6. It is prohibited to use any programs considered "exploiters" (i.e. Gear ecc.), or advertise and trade them with other UODreams users.

  7. As specified in the contract of Epyx S.p.a., UOD also adheres to the rules stipulated therein. For example, it is prohibited to possess more than one account or use an account of a friend and/or relation for personal use.
    Whoever shares the same connection or a Lan system with other UODreams users should contact the UOD staff immediately by paging them on the website to let them know and give them the relative usernames.


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