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On Ultima Online Dreams, our purpose is to build a strong community which offers a comfortable atmosphere for all players.

Some means exist to achieve this goal, between the option "ignores the player" (Ignore Players) and "filter the obscenities" (Filter Obscenity):

  • The option "ignores the player" all the talked about the suitable player (to select a player to ignore double click "New" and select the personality with the target) (to stop ignoring a player the one has to select in the list and to push the canc key of the keyboard) blocks in definitive way.

  • The filter for the obscenities serves to block specific words (of all the players); adding words to be filtered through the option is possible " Click to edit Profanity list ".

To access these tools, doing click double on its pg to open the paperdoll, and then choose the menu "options" is enough.

Ultima Online 2D
Filter Options - Ultima Online 2D

Ultima Online 3D
Filter Settings - Ultima Online 3D

If this was not enough, also a specific tool exists to report the undergone harassments to the GM. It was created, obviously, to give the possibility to the players to fight the antisocial behaviours. Unfortunately some think both a way to avoid the tail on the page, and this makes the effectiveness considerably decrease. In order that the tool can be effective, it is important for you to use it only in case of real harassments.

NOTE: At present the log of the conversations of the players of the previous minutes are not saved to the page, in the future the log will be saved so as to complete the harassment system.

The harassment is a use and a clear abuse of mechanical of game with the intent to offend and bother the other players.

What is NOT harassment?

Above all, goes specified that every type of valid game on UO is not harassment. In other words, kill other players, steal, ress-kill are not considered harassments.
For validate, the count of the homicides, the guards etc. understands that there are mechanical of game based on these behaviours on Felucca, the thief abilities.
UO is a game of role that encourages every type of interpretation, and the players must find from only methods to protect him from these problems, and not call the staff.
Goes let notice that this does not include the murder on Trammel..
Trammel was suitably created in order that there was a continent on which the pg were not killed. Violating this game mechanics is not considered as correct behaviour.

What is considered as harassment?

The harassment is a use and a clear abuse of mechanical of game with the intent to offend and bother the other players.

What is a game mechanics? It is every thing which allows a player to interact with world and the others. For instance, the ability to block a door is a game mechanics. The ability to create macro with very long texts is a game mechanics.

The use of these things is not considered harassment "in if". Thinking also of the reason for which it is done is necessary to determine when one abuses of the game mechanics. Did thing want to do that person? Was he ruining someone else's game on purpose? Even if the single action can bother, it is not considered harassment up when the staff does not decide that it was wilfully put in act, to bother or offend the other players.

Comes considered harassment as also every incessant comportameto, ineludibile, unavoidable and directed specifically to a person or a group.
This the plaguing a player to bother him or prevent some events includes.

Knowing is important that before considering everything as this harassment must be serious attempt facts to calm the things in game. We understand with this: abandon the zone, let by temporarily the player at issue, or simply ask him in polite way about stopping.
If they were honest and sincere attempt facts to solve the matter and the continuos offence, then one talks about harassment.
If they were honest and sincere attempt facts to solve the matter and the continuos offence, then one talks about harassment.

The totalitarian or bad comments on sex, race, religion are always considered as harassments; we do not bear this kind of harassment in any way, and every violation of this kind can have as consequence the immediate and definitive suspension of the account, since the first offence.

What happens when I use the page for harassments?

To be impartial, is necessary or that the event has a GM for witness. Since the screenshot and the journal can be modified, do not intend to accept them what tries of harassments.
When a page is done for harassment a GM goes from invisible from the player that called him and observes the events.

Cosa succede dopo un page per molestie?

Real harassments

    Il The page is valid when either from the log or the testimony of the GM the harassment can be tried. Is the staff which decides thing doing case by chance, according to the intensity of the harassment, being or less recidivous and saying away.

Physical harassments

    Physical harassments are all those actions understood, more than the words, which bother the players.
    To be considered valid they must have the testimony of a GM.
    If the page arrives quandola harassment already finished, we do not have way of establishing if the happened was punishable or no..

No track of harassments

    La persona aveva motivo di credere di essere soggetto a molestie, ma lo staff ha deciso che o non erano molestie valide, o non erano a disposizione prove valide, compresi i log. In questo caso non accade nulla nè a chi ha fatto il page, né a chi è stato segnalato.

Molestie non valide

    Every page for harassments which serves only to attract attention of the pager will be considered as not valid. We understand that he can be a mistake and of rule it is allowed every player of sbagliasi once or two without being punished. If the mistake continues in persistent street, it is possible that the player who abuses of the page for harassments receives a warning or a temporary suspension from the game.

Harassments to event

    We sentence every form of harassments on UO, and this type of destroying behaviour is not borne in any way. Molesting is a very heavy offence and a clear violation of the rules of behaviour and the Shard Regulation.
    The punishment can change from punishments in game to the immediate cancellation of the account, according to intensity and gravity of the harassment and history of the account of the player.

What are the punishments?

    We sentence every form of harassments on UO, and this type of destroying behaviour is not borne in any way. Molesting is a very heavy offence and a clear violation of the rules of behaviour and the Shard Regulation. The punishment can change from punishments in game to the immediate cancellation of the account, according to intensity and gravity of the harassment and history of the account of the player.

How can one to denounce a harassment?

    To do complaint, I double click on the pg to open the paperdoll, then click on the button "Help". On the screened next, found a summary description of what a harassment is. If you want to continue in the complaint, clicked the freccetta alongside of the text and then you provide a short description of the happening; you always write the name of the person whom you are denouncing, and the reason. This he makes the task more easy to the GM or to who reads the log to understand the happened.
    A GM will be called to testify the scene, if present and if necessary.
    If you do a mistake and want to cancel the complaint, you can change it before it is sent. Choosing "not, my case is not included in this typology" is enough.

The staff includes the seriousness of the problem of the harassments and appreciates the help by the players.


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