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As anyone can notice, some useful services are available on the website and in the game. Any good user should be able to use them in the most effective way.


MEETINGS Forum: This is the forum dedicated to the meetings organized by UODreamers.

GENERAL DISCUSSIONS Forum: This forum is dedicated to every post about general topics.

DOUBTS & QUESTIONS Forum: Here you can ask about any problem related to UODreams (such as login issues, macros, skills not gaining, and so on).

MARKETPLACE Forum: divided into specialized sub-forums, its purpose is to allow trades between players and to make them easy through the use of auctions and direct sales.

ADVENTURES & LEGENDS Forum: For all the lovers of Adventures and quests. GDR ON forum.

STAFF Forum: access restricted to Staff members only, from collaborators to administrators.

As for all the GamesNet's forums, users must abide by the rules or they will be punished and marked ‘spammer’.


Pages allow a direct and immediate contact with a member of the staff. They should only be used in case of real trouble.

PAGE – Others:

    it should be used to communicate any trouble you might experience during your game: requests for help to move items from a house to a newer one, faction or guild problems, name changes and so on. Every page asking for information (How can I macro this skill? How can I build a house? How can I sail my boat? How can I resurrect myself? ...) may be ignored by the staff. For this kind of information, you should use the Doubts & Questions forum.

PAGE – Stuck:

    Any non-criminal character can be teleported to a safe place, no more than twice a day. Do not page asking to be resurrected or moved to a town because you may not receive any answer and your request won't be satisfied.


    to be used only in case of real harassment. Please read the related rules here.
    Misuses of this kind of page will be deleted. If the misuses go on, your character will be jailed for 1 day.


    You can use it for: irregular thefts (not performed by a thief in the game), deleted characters, missing items and so on. In a few words, any kind of problems that cannot be resolved in the game.

Thanks for your help.

We’d like to remind you that a good service starts from a correct use by the users, not only from a good management of it.


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